My experiences with ESL students take been overwhelmingly positive. First of all, they're smart. They speak two languages, which is ane more than me. (I know, I know!  Yes, I'1000 embarrassed about it!) Also, they care so much. Education is a huge priority for every immigrant family I know. Part of the reason they came here was so the kids could get an education, and if you walked across a desert so your kid can go to school, you'll brand damn sure they practise their homework.

My favorite thing about didactics ESL kids is how easy they are to impress. These are kids who have been hammered with an insane amount of "drill and kill" teaching for their entire education. Most often, they've been taught Linguistic communication Arts at the most basic comprehension level, with a focus on memorization, summary, and minimum technical proficiency. Which is understandable, for their earlier teachers, but it makes purchase-in incredibly like shooting fish in a barrel. The minute yous say, "Let'southward brand an iMovie," their eyes popular out of their heads.

In that location'southward a lot to love about teaching ESL kids, but I never, never, never, never, never want to be the ESL teacher. And that really comes down to 1 reason; merit pay. Last twelvemonth, my schoolhouse gave out bonuses based on the kids' standardized examination scores. We got a certain corporeality if 80% of our kids passed, even more if half of them exceeded standards. One teacher was handed a check for a thou dollars—publicly, during a coming together—because ALL of her students exceeded standards. Every single one of them. She's an amazing instructor, who works incredibly hard. But she as well exclusively teaches gifted students. The special ed and ESL teachers, every bit ever, got nothing.

Some of the kids in those groups made impressive gains. Some, particularly the ones who fall into both categories, did not. Information technology didn't really thing either mode; in terms of federal funding, failing is failing. Moving from a third form reading level to a fifth course reading level isn't enough, if you're in the 7th grade. And with instructor evaluations tied more and more closely to standardized test scores, teachers of disadvantaged groups don't have a chance.

The Special Ed and ESL teachers are left with two equally unpalatable choices. Do y'all focus solely on test-taking skills in the hopes that it'll boost a few scores to passing and you'll be able to keep your job? Do you continue giving these kids, already underserved, questions to answer and paragraphs to summarize because real, authentic encounters with literature take up too much time and don't necessarily translate to multiple choice tests? Or do you lot continue to requite them valid, high-interest learning experiences and run a risk your task? The 2d option is impractical; the first is immoral.

I'm one of the lucky ones. I get to co-teach ESL, which means that I savour time with these amazing kids, but am not the one ultimately held responsible for their test scores. Information technology'south unfair to the ESL teacher, a fact that anybody except the geniuses who figured out merit pay seems to realize. I'm just grateful that I'm not the one who has to choose between educating my students to the best of my ability and keeping my job. If our worth as teachers is continually tied to our students' performance on tests, regardless of individual history, handicaps, or ability level, no one in their correct mind volition voluntarily teach the students who struggle. The students most in demand of quality teachers will be abandoned past a system ostensibly created to make certain their needs are met.

Merit Pay Pushes Away Great ESL Teachers